Windward Strategies’ extensive direct marketing experience makes us acutely aware of the need to be nimble and responsible to our client’s needs. We place a premium on accurate budgets, cashflows, and projections that are updated in real-time to ensure your direct mail campaigns can place its resources directly to your cause.

Success Stories
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
- Added 200,000 new donors in 2018 cycle
- Raised over $37 million in 2018 cycle
Cooper for Governor (NC)
- Launched successful direct mail program 18 months prior to Election Day producing over 28,000 new grassroots donors
- Netted more than 60% on investment
Progressive Turnout Project (PAC)
- Direct mail became an integral part of the PTP grassroots program, adding over 10,000 donors in the 6 months leading up to the 2018 Elections.
- PTP’s aggressive acquisition program began netting income in less than 12 months.